Apple 'Wonderlust' Event Announced - iPhone 15, AirPods and Apple Watch

 Intro hi Apple finally sent out its invites for the upcoming iPhone 15 event they're calling it wanderlust as you can see Here so with those event invites there are a lot to talk about as far as what to expect and more now the first thing is The Apple event hash flag is now live on X or Twitter and if you type in a hashtag Apple event you'll get the little apple there when you go to send a message that's now available just like They do every single year and as far as Apple Wonderlust Event Date, Time, and Where To Watch when and where it is first let's go to the event itself so on Apple's event website I'll link it in the description You can see it says to watch on 912 at 10 A. M Pacific Time or that's 1 pm Eastern time you can watch it on apple. com or

the Apple TV app and typically you can Watch it on YouTube where it's streamed You'll see this is animated where the Apple here is sort of coming apart in the different colors that we're actually Expect the iPhone 15 Pro Models to be in so there's a lot to talk about of what to expect but this this is actually at the Steve Jobs Theater this year in a hybrid format like we've had before with WWDC where they had people come in they watched it together live and Then they were able to get their hands on it in demonstration areas now as far as what to expect of course we're expecting iPhone 15s we're expecting four different models again iPhone 15 and Everything New this year and I've had these models for a little while where they're actually sort of Representative of what we can We're expecting four models with a 6. 1

inch iPhone 15 a 6. 7 inch iPhone 15 plus a 6. 1-inch iPhone 15 Pro and a 6. 7-inch iPhone 15 Pro Max many people thought it would be called the iPhone 15 Ultra but Maybe that name's gone away at this point now all of the iPhone 15 models are expected to have a dynamic Island This year Apple added that only to The Pro Models last year were expecting it is on all models this year we're also expecting a switch away from what we had In the past with the iPhone as far as Lightning we're now going to have USBC This is to comply with laws in Europe and other places and so Apple's now making it easier to charge not just your iPhone but everything will have the same connector iPad iPhone Mac and more We also expect it to have an updated 5G chipset from Qualcomm and also with the

iPhone 15 Pro and 15 Pro Max they'll have smaller bezels we also have rounded Corners this time so we'll have a titanium frame on the Pro and Pro Max models we'll also have an action button instead of a silent switch that'll be Programmable it'll probably do away with the SIM card slot in more countries as Well we'll have a titanium frame that sort of Curves around the edge instead of has this harsh Edge like we currently do and it will just curve over to a very thin bezel we're expecting four different colors with the Pro Models We're expecting Titan Gray or some form of gray similar to Titanium also a dark blue color silver and space black this year we will not have a gold color and They're sort of doing away with the vibrant or sort of pastel colors on the Pro Models The regular models are said to have a bunch of different colors as well with a new pink and green color and

different shades of other colors as well Unfortunately no red at least for now of course in the latest models we also Expect an upgraded chipset an a17 bionic with a new three-nanometer chipset which should be more efficient and provide Hopefully better battery life there is no mention of larger batteries but that could come a little bit later we could Also, get upgraded camera lenses and the big news in the Pro Max model the The largest model is expected to have five to six times the Optical Periscope zoom lens so similar to what we've seen in Samsung where they have it sort of sideways with a periscope zoom lens we're expecting All of that this year with the iPhone 15 models so the USBC should be nice especially for transfer speeds with prores if you're recording a lot of video you can get those off your phone fast and also we're expecting possibly Thunderbolt speeds as well as 40

gigabits per second where you could transfer that off and even fast charge your phone much faster as both USBC and Thunderbolt supports over 100 watts of charging but I doubt Apple will do that So far we're hearing about 35 Watts as As far as that goes now we're also Apple Watch 9 and Ultra 2 I expect some updates to the Apple watch with the regular style Apple watch We're expecting a very very minor update to the Apple Watch Series 9. This will have a bump in processing power and also have a pink color option according to many of the leaks we're also of course I expect some new bands to go along with maybe watch OS 10 and more so we'll See that at the event but don't expect anything major with Apple watch we also Expect one new color and an Apple Watch Ultra 2 to have sort of a space black color instead of the general titanium

color that we have now so instead of titanium we would have space black like we've had before similar to what we have on this watch where this is an older titanium watch we'd have that sort of black anodized look, it looks really Nice it would be a way to differentiate the different watches but it seems like They're going to be very minor again with only a small spec bump as far as the processor goes we could also see Wi-Fi 6E in the different devices but We're not sure at this point Now we're also expecting USBC to be added to one other device or maybe a set AirPods Updates of devices, Apple is also expected to Update the Airpods case specifically just the case itself with USBC again to comply with different laws making it easier to charge and more so we could See maybe Airpods 3 AirPods Pro 2 updated with USBC we're not expecting

any changes to the Airpods Apple could upgrade them but We haven't heard of Airpods Pro 3 or anything like that just yet so it seems Like we could get that maybe airpods Max 2 finally but again there's no news about that iPads? Also, we're not expecting any iPads whatsoever at this event last year we don't typically get them on the iPhone event and we didn't last year we got them in a separate event in October or separate announcement so we usually see those in October with the basic iPad and Then the pros would be the following year also at the event we typically will iOS 17 Public Release Date hear when the next version of iOS will release so we'll hear the date of the final release and usually after the event we'll get the release candidate so We can expect iOS 17 RC or the release

candidate right after the event on the 12th or near that date then we'll have The final release most likely be on the 18th Apple has released the following day after the event but most likely it's going to be the 18th as They've been following what they did last year now as far as iPhone 15 iPhone 15 Pre-Orders and Release Date pre-orders we would expect that on Friday the 15th usually that will happen at 8 a. m. Eastern time, that's what Apple's been doing lately with a final release to the public on the 22nd where They release all the models they could Stagger the release like we've had before the floor but we don't hear Anything about that as far as that being certain so we could see that or that could be just all released on the 22nd I would like to see them stagger it as

It's easier as a reviewer to give you honest opinions about what they're like to use but that's everything we expect At the event, we could hear when Mac OS is coming out as well but we expect that later in October like we had Last year also so lots of things to Expect the iPhones will be the big news Maybe we'll hear more about Apple Vision Pro but at this point I think we'll have a separate event in October talking about Macs or iPads or something like That let me know what you're looking I look forward to the upcoming Apple event are you planning to pick up an iPhone 15 or a new Apple watch and what color are you planning to pick it up in

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